
About Us

Our life, perhaps like many of yours reading this - had it's share of rough patches.

We both had divorce in our background, which as I grew up in the church, meant disqualification. My life was marked with failure and it seemed like I went from one crisis to the next. Spiritually I was in my valley of death and had been stuck here for several years. In this valley of difficult circumstance, Tracey and I met.  

Early in our relationship we were involved with legal issues that left us in a financial disaster, and had to claim bankruptcy.  So it seemed like more storms were my destiny. 

Tracey came from a non-churched family so naturally had a lot of questions for me, about God, Jesus, and the Bible. Being non-religious myself, and pro-relationship, I was able to reveal God's heart for her through the greatest love story ever told, and not burden her with legalism. It was during this time of turmoil that God began speaking radically to Tracey, in a way I had never experienced myself for a long time.

We were now without work, with clients for our graphic design company, without a plan for our future, with a mixed family of teenagers and a large rental commitment - we were without a great many things, but with a love and hunger for more of God in our lives. It was this feeding that was leading us out of the valley.

I need to keep things short here, (the full story will be in our book), but after the bankruptcy we heard from God - "Would you sell everything you have?" We had nothing but furniture to sell and no clients or clear picture of our future. But listening to God can change everything - fast. Next we heard two words "Get moblie." We sold furniture and began looking for a VW van - as He put one on our hearts. We found one online within 48 hours and sailed over to the mainland to buy her - naming her on the boat on the way over --- we called her Olive after the company God asked us to start - When we arrived she the owner had a curtain in the back window with Olives all over the fabric! She was a miracle bus in so many ways.

That is the way it began and as we traveled - circumnavigating North America from coast to coast to coast - we had one amazing "God" story after another. He took us from Fear to Faith.

Along the way we ministered into people's lives as often as we could, but feel that God was showing us more of His unconditional love as He poured into us, then we could ever pour out. He was so out-doing us.

We survived two hurricanes, ministered love and hope to people across Canada and throughout the US, from Boston to New Orleans, from Fort Worth to San Diego.

So much to share... I could talk for hours on the goodness of God that He has shown in our lives. So good.

Since May 2011, we have circumnavigated North America, sharing God's love and experiencing His miraculous provision and favor.

Working from our laptops we service our clients, whom God provided prior to leaving on our journey. This too was truly a miracle. Our clients are fortune 500 companies, provided by God to enable us to live the life of corporate gypsies.

Hungry for more of God the we enrolled at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, where we shared in the dynamic atmosphere of world changers and revivalists brought to Redding California by a mutual desire to see God rock nations and hearts. 

Mark & Tracey Hutzler

Mark has preached and taught from God's word for nearly 20 years, with an emphasis on seeing people discover their identity in Christ. A student of history Mark has finished this comprehensive timeline bible study and teaches on who we are in Christ as well as WHEN we are in bible history. Tracey is a passionate speaker and prophetic artist. She has two black belts in Karate and leaves no prisoners in the realm of darkness. She ministers from the heart - directly to the heart of the hearers. Both move in the prophetic and healing and share a desire to see the kingdom of God come. Changing hearts and culture, revolutionizing cities and bringing the light of the Good News to nations around the world.

To contact them... please email

See our other sites at: --- newly launched ministry website - Christian Book Publishing - Corporate Graphic Design and Marketing Services

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