


This concise and detailed chart outlines the timeline from Adam through to Christ, following the line of Judah. From Christ it outlines the history of the Jewish Nation while at the same time following the growth of the Christian Church and it's leaders throughout the centuries.

Adam, Eve, Garden of Eden, Time, End of Days, Rapture, Tribulation
Each area of the chart can yield extensive study. In the close-up isolated here (Fig. 1 - Adam) we see the beginning of the chart. The life line of Adam is featured here as a black bold line running up the height of the chart indicating his 930 year lifespan. At the same time this chart indicates Adam's life line horizontally. This way we can see the influence of Adam throughout his generations. We see that Adam died shortly before the birth of Noah. We can see the influence of the father's to their children. We learn that Enoch was alive and well, and likely sat at the feet of his great-great-great etc... grandfather Adam, as Adam shared what life was like in close fellowship with God. We know that Enoch 'walked with God' in the same way that Adam, 'walked with God' in the Garden!

There are so many elements that make this chart an impressive study tool, it will be difficult to summarize them all here, but I'll try.

This image shows how time began with the fall. Prior to the fall there was no death and therefore no time, as we know it. The Bible states that Adam was 130 at the birth of Seth, but prior to the fall Adam was ageless. Therefore time commenced at the fall, because as we track time it is a calculation of deterioration. A break down of life. Adam's life did not begin to breakdown until death entered the world.

This image shows the following throughout the chart:
- White numbers indicate the years between generations
- Yellow numbers: years from the fall of man counting forward
- Small blue numbers: the actual year from the fall to their birth
- Coloured Bars: the life lines of the individuals, both vertically so you can see their entire age and I also play out their life line horizontally so you can see the influence they had on subsequent generations.

Shown here is this close up the flood. We can actually see that calculating the genealogy from Adam to Noah was 1056 years. That Noah's son's were not even born when Noah was 500 years old and received the command to build the ark. Shem his first born, was born 2 years later. So who helped Noah with the construction? We can see that Noah's father and grandfather were still alive at this time.
Fig. 4 - Abraham

In (Fig. 4 - Abraham) we see that he was actually born in the year 1948. The math is amazing. The same year that Israel again became a nation in our time. A detailed view of Abraham's life is included with scriptures indicating the events that transpired in his life.

An interesting note is that the Book of Jasher, which Joshua references has an detailed account of the life of Terah and Abraham. It is not, of course, in the cannon of scripture, but it does make for an interesting read.

(From the Book of Jasher) A star is said to have foretold Abraham's birth and that the King of the day (Nimrod), was warned that the child referenced by the star would have children who would dispose all kings. Threatened by this Nimrod commands that the child be found. It is discovered to be of the household of Nimrod's trusted council, Terah. Terah brings the child of a servant instead of his own son Abraham. The child is put to death. Terah decides to hide away Abraham with relatives who live far away. Those relatives: Noah and Shem.

Covenant Keepers like Noah and Shem are still alive at the birth of Abraham, who was born in the land of Ur where they were already idol worshipers, long forgetting the relationship they were to have with Jehovah. This is less than 300 years from the flood.

Fig. 5 - Joseph
(Fig. 5 - Joseph) The Bible gives us wonderful detail about the ages of individuals and how old they were at key moments. In the life of Joseph we can carefully identify how old he was when he stood before Pharaoh and the other moments in his life, up to his death.

The Bible teaches us that when Joseph died a Pharaoh took over who knew not Joseph. The question here would be... what rock did this guy live under? Joseph was second in command and was a savior figure for all of Egypt and other nations affected by the seven years of drought.

Joseph rules for 66 years after the famine ends. He lives 39 years after the death of the Pharaoh who had the dreams. The logical explanation is also the one the fits the historical records. Egypt was overthrown at the time of Joseph's death, and the kingdom of the Hyksos took over enthroning their leader as the new Pharaoh, who enslaved the Hebrews, having no loyalty to them.

Fig. 6 - Kings of Judah
(Fig. 6 - Kings of Judah) The line of the Kings of Judah are detailed in this chart. Their names, the years that they reigned and the scripture for reference. The life of Joshua and the wilderness wandering is also featured with the linage of David throughout these years.

The period of the First and Second Temples are also indicated from their construction to their destruction.

Indicated as best as the historical record would allow are the lives of the prophets (Fig. 7- Prophets) and the times in which they lived in relation to key world events. The Babylonian captivity is indicated along with the rise of the Persian Empire, Greek Empire and Roman Empire and occupation of Israel.

Fig. 7 - Prophets

Following the chronology of events and the 400 years of silence from Malachi to Christ, the chart gives you a clear view of the birth of Christ and His death on the Cross. This chart makes it clear what we know today as the actual dates of both the birth and death of Christ. His life under the Old Testament law and the introduction to the New Testament Era which commenced with the book of Acts and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Fig. 8 - Jewish Historic Highlight
At this point, (after the cross) the chart splits to follow two groups. The Nation of Jews throughout history is captured in the upper portion of the timeline and the history of the Church is indicated on the lower timeline. (See Fig. 8 - Jews)

From the cross onward we track the history of the Church and make special mention of many of the key historic events that shaped the Church along with the biographies of the key early church Fathers. (Fig. 9 - Fathers of Faith)

We track these men and women who were obedient to the call of God on their lives helping to shape faith in God in their nations and the world.

Fig. 9 - Fathers of the Faith
The conclusion of the chart brings us to the present age of man. Calculating time from the death of Christ, as the Old Testament gave way to the New, with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The chart's timeline follows both our Gregorian Calendar and the True calculation of our calendar if calculated from Christ's death and not His birth. When you consider that Christ died in 30 AD, you can easily calculate that it has not yet been 2000 years since the New Testament era began.

The chart also introduces the Millennium and concludes with that time period.

I make no predictions with this time table. It is NOT a predictive chart to the second coming. It has nothing to do with that. I introduce the Great Sabbath Week calculations on the chart along with many other study points for your consideration and discussion only.

Please see the other pages on this site for more details on the chart and order information.

Thanks so much for reading this. Should you have tangible research that you would like to share, that would enhance this chart, I welcome hearing from you. You can email me at

Mark Hutzler

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